
George Parker married Margaret Butcher in Derby (where they were both from) in 1886.  They moved from Derby to Sandiacre in about 1907, and then to Sawley around 1909.  Their children were:

  • Alice (1887)
  • Hannah (1889)
  • George Richard (1890-1962)
  • William (1895-1918)
  • Stephen Arthur (1900)
  • Margaret (1903)
  • Frank (1905-1967)
  • Florence Millicent (1908-1981)
  • Edna Maud (1908-1978)
  • Donald (1909)

George (the father) was a blacksmith in a railway wagon workshop.  When Margaret died in 1937, they were living at 18 Hey Street.  In 1939 George had retired and was staying with George (his son) and wife in Lakeside Avenue.  When he died the following year, he was still living in Hey Street.  

In 1911 Alice (age 23) was boarding in Normanton and working as a tape weaver.  Perhaps she’d stayed in Derby when her parents moved to Sandiacre.

Hannah was also boarding in Derby in 1911, though not at the same address.  She was also a tape weaver, for Bonas’ Tape Mill.

In 1911 George Richard was at home, working as bobbin threader in a lace factory.  In 1914 he was living at 68 Hey Street.  On 4th Sep 1914 (four weeks after war was declared) he volunteered for the Army.  He initially joined the Kings Own Yorkshire Infantry, but soon found himself in the Royal Munster Fusiliers (RMF).  He sailed to the Dardanelles (Gallipoli) in July 1915 with 6th Battalion RMF.  They landed at Suvla Bay on 7 August 1915.  They were withdrawn in October and moved to Salonika, where they stayed until deploying to Palestine, via Egypt, in Sep 1917.  When the battalion was broken up in 1918, rather than stay in the infantry and be sent to France, George seems to have been transferred to the Royal Army Medical Corps.  In 1919 he was serving with the RAMC in Pembroke Dock and volunteered to serve another year.  He was finally demobbed in 1920 and returned to Sawley.  In 1926 he married Sarah Rose Gladys Hubbard (-1971).  They lived in Lakeside Avenue and (in 1939) he was a painter and decorator. 

In 1911 William was a butcher’s errand boy.  He was later a butcher with Long Eaton Cooperative Society.  During the Great War he served with the Army Service Corps.  He survived the war but died 4 weeks after the armistice on 7th Dec 1918.  He presumably died from injuries on active service, or from the Spanish Flu.   He was buried (12th Dec) in Sawley Churchyard.  His is one of the seven Commonwealth War Graves in the churchyard.

Stephen married Dorothy Lavinia Seneschall in 1925.  In 1939 they were living in Derby where Stephen worked as a drop hammer stamper for the LMS railway.  During WW2 he was also an ARP ambulance driver.

Margaret married Herbert Gilbert at Sawley in 1929.  They seem to have moved to Burton upon Trent.

Frank became a wire enameller.  In 1931 he was living at 11 Hey Street when he married Millicent Irene Davys in Long Eaton.  They lived at 22 Cooperative Street, Long Eaton. 

Florence married at the New Sawley Wesleyan Chapel in 1930.  Her husband, Wilfred Earnest Webb, was a goods shunter for the LMS.  In 1939 they were living in Bonsall St, Long Eaton.  Wilfred died in Derby in 1958 and Florence married again, to James Bucklow, in 1966.

Her twin sister Edna married Joe Platt Dyer, a LMS driver, in 1937 and moved to Derby.

Donald married Maude Allen at Sawley in 1936.  In 1939 they were living in Beeston and he was a press tool maker.

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